Access and accessibility

Physical access

There is step-free access to most of the building, with the exception of the stage. The main entrance is up a short, fixed ramp. The main entrance is via two sets of double doors which open in both directions. There are no other step-free entrances.

Access to the garden from the Main Hall is via a single step down, or step-free around the outside of the building.


Most doorways in the Main Hall and side room are a minimum of 85cm wide. The doorway to the kitchen is 70cm wide.

Doors into the Smeaton Room are 70cm wide.

Most doorways have door closers


There are two accessible parking spaces next to the main entrance.


The building has two wheelchair accessible toilets. The accessible toilet in the Main Hall has a left-hand transfer. The accessible toilet in the side room has a right-hand transfer. Both accessible toilets have emergency pull cords. There are shelves available in both accessible toilets. The building does not have any Changing Places facilities.

The doorway to the accessible toilet in the Main Hall is 90cm wide. The doorway to the accessible toilet in the side room is 85cm wide. Doors to both accessible toilets open outwards.

All lighting in toilets uses motion sensors.


The Main Hall and the Smeaton Room have a inductive hearing loops which can be used by setting hearing aids to the "T" position.

The bar does not have any assistive listening systems.


The building has LED lighting throughout.

The building does not have Braille signage.

More information

If you would like more information or details about the accessibility of our building please contact us.